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C o n c e r t s

"Music, Lifestyle Design, and

What it's Like to be Famous in Romania"

(an interview conducted by Charles Manuel)

October 19, 2020

AURA Contemporary Ensemble Premiere 1:00PM
Jeremy Larson performs Toccatina for Toy Piano, with an interview by the composer via Facebook from the University of Houston, Moores School of Music, Texas

June 7, 2020

"Music for Mother's Day" Concert 1:00PM
Gentle music for relaxation broadcast on Facebook Live and BIGO from All Saints Berkshires Episcopal Church, North Adams, MA

December 13 & 14, 2019

"Sounds of the Season" Christmas Concert 6:30PM
The Christmas Angels Chorus, directed by Jim Morrison, will perform holiday delights for all ages.  Pieces include seasonal favorites, as well as a rousing arrangement of McConnell's Alleluia! Sing a Song for the King!

  • Lee Congregational Church, Lee, MA

March 22, 2019

Carson Cooman: Live, in Concert 7:00PM

Cooman's works have been performed around the world in venues that include Carnegie Hall. Since 2006, he has held the positions of organist and composer in residence at Memorial Church, Harvard University. The concert features numerous contemporary organ compositions, including one by Matthew McConnell, and the world premiere of a work by Italian composer Carlotta Ferrari.

  • All Saints Berkshires Episcopal Church

  • 59 Summer Street, North Adams, MA

January 5, 2019

Dinner & Concert: Piano and Clarinet Duets 5:00pm
Linda Neal and Matthew McConnell

Classical and Contemporary Compositions


December 14 & 15, 2018

"Sounds of the Season" Christmas Concert 6:30PM
The Christmas Angels Chorus, directed by Jim Morrison, offers festive music for all ages. There will even be a visit from Santa! Pieces include traditional holiday favorites, in addition to McConnell's Alleluia! Sing a Song for the King!

  • Lee Congregational Church, Lee, MA

May 12, 2017

Lecture and Presentations at the 52nd International Congress of Medieval Studies 3:30PM
"The Unfettered Voice: Analysis of the Music of Hildegard von Bingen through the lens of Unequal Temperaments"

Sponsored by the International Hildegard von Bingen Society

  • Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI


April 22, 2017

Music Studio Recital 3:00PM
Dr. Matt's Piano and Vocal Student Recital
Featuring Students of Dr. Matt

  • 131 Main Street, North Adams, MA

February 20, 2017

Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza! 10:00AM
Youngsters are introduced to the organ and its repertoire

A tour of the FBCNA organ is included, as well as free pizza

  • Sponsored by the AGO, Berkshire Chapter

  • First Baptist Church of North Adams, MA

January 7, 2017

Dinner & Concert: Piano and Clarinet Duets 5:00pm
Linda Neal and Matthew McConnell

Classical and Contemporary Compositions



   Past Concerts

December 11, 2016

North County Christmas 4:00pm
Lessons, Carols, and a Cantata with the North County Choir

First Congregational Church, North Adams, MA


July 10, 2016

Music for Two Organs 3:00pm
Music by McConnell, Soler, Cherubini, & Galuppi

All Saints' Episcopal Church, North Adams, MA


June 4, 2016

Piano Recital 1:30pm

Works by McConnell, Shostakovich, & Granados

Berkshire Music School, Pittsfield, MA

May 29, 2016

Mozart's Requiem 3:00pm

Berkshire Lyric Chorus & Full Orchestra
Tanglewood, Lenox, MA

May 15, 2016

Organ Recital 2:00pm

Music by Carson Cooman, & Carlotta Ferrari
Immaculate Conception Parish, New Lebanon, NY

May 1, 2016

Organ Recital 2:00pm

Toccatas by J.S. Bach, Canons by Rudi Seitz
Immaculate Conception Parish, New Lebanon, NY


April 17, 2016

Novi Cantori presents "Voices of New England"

Featuring McConnell's "Fanfare and March"
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Longmeadow, MA


Copyright © 2021 by Matthew McConnell

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